If I do not sell my product online, I do not need a web page
The reality: Web pages can do much more than sell products. Informing, building branding, promoting, interacting, and communicating are just some of the things a website can offer its visitors. Even if you cannot sell your product online, web pages will enable you to generate leads through contact forms and other methods.
When you have a website visitors will rain from the sky
The reality: With the number of web pages on the Internet, it can become difficult for visitors to find your new website. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be an excellent way to promote your site and start receiving visits to your page, but it may still take a few months to achieve a steady stream toward your website.
My goal: to make my website have many visits
The reality: The fact that your site has a lot of visitors does not mean that it is successful. You must ask them to add a call to action so that your visitors can click on it to become a business customer. The call to action does not have to be buying something on the website; It could be to sign up for a newsletter or fill out an evaluation form. If your page has 200 visits and only five complete the call to action, then you should reconsider who is visiting your website.
First position on Google means my website is successful
Reality: A website Designing Company in Delhi should make sure that your web page has a high ranking for certain keywords and key phrases that your current audience is looking for. If you do not have a lot of visitors coming to your website, most of them will be reported immediately (rebounds) as they will not go in there the search list of your customers.
It is extremely expensive to have a website.
The reality: Compared to other advertising expenses, web pages are very affordable and offer a high return on investment. Hire the Top Website design company in Delhi for the best designs. Analyze the costs and benefits of having a website and SEO, and how they compare with other forms of advertising.
Normal people find it difficult to update their website
The reality: If a website uses a modern content management system (CMS) content updating does not have to be difficult.